Monday, May 19, 2008

Random Thoughts

Bouquet for Mom from Cornelia's jewels--------->

“I want to have a lot of kids,” William said to me the other day. I commended his desire to make me a grandpa someday, but he had absolutely no idea what it was going to be like and how much it was going to cost him to have children. I don’t think I have slept through the night a single time after Rob was born. “Parenting is not for cowards,” wrote Jim Dobson in his book on raising children. Are you brave enough to do it?

Rescuers found a hand sticking out from a pile of rubble in one of the cities that was devastated by the recent earthquake in China. Rescue workers felt the hand a little and thought the lady was dead. As they were walking away, sensed something strange and decided to take a second look. After they dug a little bit, they found a woman in a crouching position who was apparently dead, but in her arms they found a four-month-old baby sleeping soundly in his mother’s arms, totally unharmed. Next to the body they found the lady’s cell phone with a message on the screen that, translated into English, said: “Dear baby, if you survive this quake, please remember your mother loved you very much.”

The lady may have died, but her love for her child remained. One can imagine she still managed to nurse her baby and shelter him from harm in her dying hour, and still prayed for her baby’s safety with her last breath. That was something every mother would have done for her baby and I believe that was something you will surely do for your children if, God forbid, a situation such as that arises.

Hey, give your mother a call and tell her how much you love her, will you?

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