Monday, February 23, 2009

Shang Shr Berry

Red berries are native to the South
In the spring a few branches stretch out.
I suggest you pick them more often
With them your deep longing for her to express.

-An old Chinese poem

Next time you write a love letter to your girl friend, enclose a red berry, telling her how much you long for her. You may have to explain to her what the red berry means to Chinese people so that she won’t think it’s some sort of candy and eat it. “Shang Shr” means “missing” or “longing” in Chinese. Just a pointer from the world-renown Dating Guru.


Anonymous said...

Man, Dad, I was going to use this at some point in my life but now you've spoiled the idea. What if I send them to a girl who reads your blog? She'll know I'm a hack.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Better have a plan B.