Monday, April 6, 2009

Handle with Care

Beautiful things can turn ugly if we don’t handle them properly. Very few things in life are more invigorating and exciting than romantic love, but, ironically, it is more fragile than most things that we treasure and it will easily break to pieces if we fail to handle it with the most care.

When the initial courting is over and the relationship between you and your significant other starts to heat up, somehow you may be caught off guard when you two, for some odd reason, start to argue and quarrel at a very frequent rate. It’s some sort of negotiation process perhaps, for you two are just getting to know each other and conflict is probably inevitable, but I have a slight suspicion that something must have gone wrong, for it shouldn’t have to be that way at all. It is really the first breath of winter, telling you that your relationship is heading in the wrong direction and, if you don’t change its course in time, it will collapse rather quickly and you will be crying in the dark, licking your wounds and mending your shattered heart for yet another time.

The one who is worthy of your love should also be worthy of your protection. If you truly care about a particular relationship you should learn to handle it with the greatest care. You should give your best efforts to keeping your loved one whole physically, emotionally, and spiritually by not violating her in any way, physically or otherwise. Love is such a precious thing that it should never be used as an instrument by which we get what we yearn to possess from our beloved. Selfish and possessive love will always end in a disaster and broken hearts.

I will not get any more blunt than what I have said and I trust most of you know what I am trying to convey in this note. It’s disastrous when two people try to find security in another’s love, yet end up getting hurt by each other’s instinctive desire to possess and both become discontent when they begin to calculate their investment and return. “This isn’t what I bargained for,” you exclaim, and start to figure out a way out. Sad, isn’t?

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